"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." -Anne Bradstreet ジュン
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Movie...and.... another Movie
Yo Yo Yo
Trip to NY
25th of December
walking around Time Square, there's an abercrombie and Fitch store, and the line was huge!!! That was just the line to get in!!! scary... Ordered dinner from an Italian restaurant called: Carmine's. Then went to see phantom of the opera on broadway! best show ever, right after the lion king on broadway!!!!
26th of December
shopping with my sister. Saks fifth avenue, Disney Store, f.a.o. schwartz, bloomingdales, and the M&M store. For dinner we went to Korean Town. BEST FOOD EVER!!!! eh, i drool just thinking about it...at the end we drank this cold cinnamon tea, very yummy.
27th of December
had to leave, but had enough time to visit the statue of liberty. my sis woke up at 6:00a.m. to get tickets for us. on the ferry ride to the statue, got extremely sea sick, took some motion sickness pills. didn't get the tickets to very top of the statue, but climbed to top of the pedastal, where my sister and I made faces down at the ppl taking pics of the statue. Got on the ferry to ellis island. However, only stopped there for 2 minutes and got back onto the ferry, otherwise we wouldn't have enough time to visit my sister's apartment.
Got some great presents, had a wonderful time, it was a pretty good holiday for me. ^.^
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Break <3
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
SuG~Gr8 Story
Saw this PV on Mary-Claire's blog and loved it, so just had to post it!!! <3 <3
Got this on YouTube from AsiaHolicJpop ^.^
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December 2009 JRock Release Schedule

D - Day by Day
Vidoll - Eve
ALiBi - RainBoW CoLoRs
v (Neu) - NEU-type, DISK 002 "Amaoto"
Kalvary -Liquid Puzzle
ayabie - Sayonara
School food punishment - Light Prayer
Irokui - Open Heart Kingdom
SxOxU - SxOxU
Dir En Grey - Hageshisa to, Kono Mune no Naka de Karamituita Shakunetsu no Yami
Gackt - RE:BORN
CLOWN - The Shadow Is Buried
Vanliotto - Solitude/Mistake
Zip.er - MiLKinG
Vistlip - Theatre Vister/Lipper
Antic Cafe - Antic Cafe
Virgil - Loyal
Chariots - Yami
Gackt - Setsugetsuka -the end of silence-
Doctor Marmoto - Isami Sanaka
Aika - Canon
Metry - Hoshikuzu Serenade
Sincrea - PANDORA
DI3SIRAE - 7 Riots In The End
VELGREED - Fact Drown In Abuse
Aicle - Psycho x Letter
Revier - Agreement to us.
Matenrou Opera - Murder Scope
E'm -grief- - In Paradism
Heisei Ishin - Utsukushiki Kodo
Girugamesh - NOW
Abingdon Boys School - From Dusk Till Dawn
Tokami - The Under of the Garden
forbidden days rhapsody - canticum
VAJRA - the Gallows
a: Vout - Guilty
Administrator - Heart Is...
Artcube - Rasenzuki
Plastic Tree - Donna Donna
Downer - Hinata Joshoron
D'espairsray - Immortal
Sadie - Gain
Anime Quote
Thursday, December 3, 2009
What do U Suggest?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Nabari no Ou
The story revolves around Miharu Rokujō, a seemingly ordinary middle school boy whose body possesses an "Omnipotent" (Shinra Banshō) power from a hidden ninja world. Miharu discovers that he is being protected by two Banten ninja — who happen to be his English teacher Kumohira Tobari Durandal and his classmate Kōichi Aizawa. A 14-year-old female samurai named Raimei Shimizu is also watching his back. Meanwhile, the Iga Gray Wolf Pack is hunting Miharu down for his power. (Look it up for better description >.<)
Don't know if it's good or not...but watching it now...You can watch it on: http://www.animeseason.com
Yay, December! Well...Thanksgiving wasn't that great T.T I didn't even get to eat turkey!!! we (family and I) went to our friends house for thanksgiving dinner, however, my dad was on a business trip and mom was at work. so when we finally arrived at their house, everyone had already eaten and it was around 9:45 p.m. sooo, we stayed for about half an hour, ate something, then had to leave. e.e The day aaafter that, i went to this church activity thingy, and was absolutely bored out of mind because, i didn't know anybody there! Plus we arrived late, the food was gone, and the only thing i got to do was listen to say 2 psalms and it was over T.T But, there's still Christmas to look forward to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
babe or baby: Don't care.
sweetheart or honey: Sweetheart.
sexy or beautiful: Beautiful.
can you blow a bubble with your gum? : Yup XD
can you dance?: lol. mabey
can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? :Noo.
can you touch your toes?: mhmmmmm
can you wiggle your ears?: no
can you wiggle your nose?: i really dont kno.
did you ever run away from home?: nope
did you ever want to be a doctor?:Yup, still want to. that's my future goal.
did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: Nope.
THE DOS :do you believe in God? :yes.
do you know how to swim?: Yes.
do you like roller coasters?:Yes. Yes. YES!!!! heehee, i love roller coasters <3 style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">THE HAVES :
have you ever asked someone out? : No.
have you ever gone fishing? :Yuh huh
have you ever had a mud fight? :Yesss!
what is the temperature outside? : Coooold.
what radio station do you listen to? :96.3, 101.9, 103.5, 105.9
what was the last restaurant you ate at? :wendys.
what was the last thing you bought? :uhmmmm clothes?.
what was the last thing you had to drink? :water.
what was the last thing on TV you watched?: Hmm...George Lopez
who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: My friend.
who was the last person you took a picture with?: my fam..
coffee or hot cocoa: Hot cocoa.
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
hummer or sports car: Sports car.
bracelet or necklace: Bracelet.
history or science: History.
sleep in or early to rise: Sleep in.
beach or boardwalk: Beach.
hoodie or tee shirt: Tee Shirt
night or day: both XD XD
been on the phone until the sun came up? :no.
laughed so hard you cried? :Alllll the time.
got into a fight with someone? :Not physical.
current mood: nutral
current music playing: Nothing
current hair style: Ponytail.
Do you like someone? :mhmmm.
Do you believe in love at first sight? :I guess.
Have you ever thrown something at anyone?: No.
Are you mad at anyone? :No.
Who are you? :A person.
What is your career plan for the future? : Doctor!!!
What's your main goal in life?: Become a doctor...lol.
If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? : omg
If you could have anything right now what would it be? :idk.
Lower the drinking age? :I say no for this one....
War?: Pointless.
Tomorrow is?: friday.
Are you looking forward to it? :Sure.
Are you going to laugh? :likely.
Who are you going to be with?: my mom and friends.
Do you want to change that? :No.
Do you have a crush?: yes
Are you happy with life at the moment?: Sure.
What body part do you wash first? :My face.
Is your driveway steep? :Not really. Just extremely extremely looong....
What's your favorite flavored Pringles? :Original or pizza flavored.
What did you just eat? :Turkey!
Name something you do when you're alone? :sing.
What did you do last night? :Finish watching Hana Yori Dango final. (that's the movie that comes after Hana Yori Dango Season 2)
Who is the 5th person on your contact list? : :Valerie Lewis
Who is your last missed call from?: restricted
Closest black object to you? : my lamp.
Can you think of a closing question for this note?: Nope.
I tag.....ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay ^.^ <3>
Monday, November 23, 2009
Yay, I got to say, I think Thanksgiving is one of my fav. holidays! #1 reason, you can stuff yourself with a ton of awesome food ^.^ Well, we only have 2 days of school this week cause of Thanksgiving, yay for that XD XD
I'm almost finished with season 2 of the Japanese drama of Hana Yori Dango... It's really good! You should watch it or read the manga if you haven't already >.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">New Moon on Saturday....kind of awkward (by the way, I'm not one of those crazed twilight fans o.o) *.* But still had fun ^.^
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I wonder...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Another Anime Quote of Da Week
Anime Quote of Da Week
Alice Nine~Sleepwalker PV
Got this from fllmetaljoy67 on YouTube. Also special thanks to Mary-Claire for telling me the correct width and height for my slideshow thingy. ^.^
- hmm music and the people around me ^.^
2. Have you given your first kiss away?
- no
3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, what 3things would you take with you?
- hahah stranded??? um i would have to say, my iPod, food+water (does that count as 1 thing?), and a phone haha.
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
- Japan!!!^w^
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
- Scholarship to a good college or to meet Alice Nine...i dunno T.T
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- um yes? however, i've never seen one before
7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
- my glasses, phone, etc. (random things...)
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- I would fly to Japan and then go to school there and buy a mansion there and live there hahah
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
- hmm maybe..
10.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
- ???
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
- hmm selfish, liar, attention seeker >.< ..
13. What is your ambition?
- hmm to go to Japan
14. If you have faults, would you rather have the people around you point out to you or would you rather have them keep quiet?
- Point them out! You learn how to be a better person by learning about your faults...
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- hmm family, friends
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
- Nope
17. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you.
- Um, Awesome!
18. If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change?
- I don't know, to become a better person. (lol, that doesn't really answer the question...srry)
19. Whats the last shocking thing you’ve seen or heard?
-the last shocking thing i saw was the Uninvited...i suppose that's more scary than shocking.
20. What song is stuck in you head currently?
- Let's see....Tsubasa Graffiti by the Kiddie
I tag anyone who wants to do this ^.^
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Niiinja....? eh?
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Anime Quote of Da wEEk
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Now that I think on it, so far, only three things have ever given me MAJOR nightmares....
1) Tornadoes (That was when i was real young)
2) Ryuuk from Death Note (IdK why, just randomly had a freaky dream about him o.o)
3) This creepy pen thingy.......
Yup......what was your most freakiest nightmare EVER?!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
wah, got a lot o' studyin' -___- so i thought I'd take a break....idk, this is a random post.....^.^ eheh.....How was your Halloween? I officially collected 132 pieces of awesomely yummy candy!!! hurrah! However, took a ton of effort ^.^ we were all running up and down the streets trying to get to as many houses as we can -__- jeez *sigh* oh well, it was fun! ^.^
Hanasakeru Seishonen Ending
I love this song!!! It makes me feel really happy inside...somehow....^.^ it Makes me feel like i can do anythin' -__-
Sunday, November 1, 2009
yaaay!!!! FREE CANDY!!! (and quite a lot of it might i add ^.^) i love halloween! esp. the candy part ^.^ (eheh..) Well, it was a fun day...I went trick-or-treating with aki and another friend. then came back to my house for a sleepover. we watched two horror movies: The Uninvited and Room 1408. The Uninvited was sooooo freaky! seriously, one part, we all just screamed cause it was so creepy T.T Then after it, we were all so scared that we didn't want to go anywhere alone o.o
However, after we watched the Uninvited, room 1408 wasn't scary...... -___-
oh well, at least it was still fun ^.^
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Right Now...
So i guess what I'm saying is.....I HAVE A TON OF WORK!!! -___-
To help me accomplish my homework, I've been listening to the iPod thingy on my blog for two hours.......................................yay
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Anime Quote of Da Week...
"You believe that the strong exist to cull the weak. To use them as food. But you are mistaken . . . The strong exist, not to feed off of the weak, but to protect them." -Kenshin Himura from Kenshin
(Goumei, I haven't been posting these for a looong time ^.^ 1. They're really hard to find 2. I kind a just forgot 3. I'll post them occasionally ^.^)
*sigh* learning a new language is quite hard. Especially if my teacher is teaching u.......................(?)
she gives out TONS of homework and we're working on 3 projects at once T.T I have 2 huge enormous text books that make my shoulders feel like their gonna snap -_- oh well, I have to endure! yay!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
yeah, the keyboard is awesome ^.^ but the mouse is giving me trouble. grrrr, darn that thing >:^O
(jk) maybe I'll just use my old one...Well, any good news...hmmm, oh i know! i don't know if you've heard, but apparently there's a 19.2 lb baby O.O that's big. it's like it was suppose to be a twin but it ate it's twin 'cause it got hungy...(pardon me calling the baby "it", I just don't know if it's a girl or boy)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Anime Quote of Da Week 2
"A cherry blossum is a cherry blossum, a plum blossum is a plum blossum. They're different but they're both beautiful...Everything blooms according to its own nature."
(I don't know which anime this is from but........i thought it was pretty cool ^.^)
Problem solved
Thursday, September 10, 2009
1) I am proud to say I finally have a post title ^_^
2) I'm sorry to those people who don't celebrate Halloween, but I love Halloween!!!! I'm sooooo excited !!! I can't wait! I'm going to be a gothic lolita. For those ppl that don't know what gothic lolita is, it's mainly ribbons, frills, lace, parasol, stuffed animal, etc. Here's a link to some pics: http://z.about.com/d/manga/1/0/w/J/-/-/GLB1_30_500.jpg http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/animelovrsamurai/gothic-lolita.jpg http://www.wikihow.com/images/0/09/Gothic_lolita_90.jpg http://www.fanplusfriend.com/catalog/1CT00020_01.jpg
*screams and waves arms* I cant wait, I can't wait, I can't wait! But better stop talking about it, don't want to jinx myself o.o To the ppl that celebrate Halloween: "What r u going to be????"
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
idk why...I guess I enjoy fiddling with the variety of pictures of I have saved up.....
This time I'm playing around with my more "girly" pics. o.o
Yeah...Just in case u were wondering why my blog seems to change every few weeks......(? *_* ?)
(tried thinking of a title....came up with nothing. *fail*)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
well, i'm just sorta randomely posting cause the youtube video is covering up stuff at the side......sooo
well, today i stayed home sick, with a cold. don't worry, it's not the oh-so-dreaded swine flu. just a cold with runny+stuffy nose and cough. i could have went to school, but the people there said to stay home XP
Monday, September 7, 2009
Anime Quote of Da Week
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
002. Nickname(s) : <3 Jun-ny or Junny.....
004. Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
005. Male or Female : Female
006. Elementary : P....Elementary School
007. Middle School : WS
008. High School : NNHS
009. College School : ...
010. Hair ColoR: Black, dark brown at the edges. Plus, I want highlights XP
011. Long or Short : Short-ish Medium....(?)
012. Loud or Quiet : Both
013. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
014. Phone or Camera : Phone
015. Health Freak : um...no
016. Drink or Smoke : Neither
017. Do you have a crush on someone : Hmmm, idols count right? so maybe shou??? I dunno
018. Eat or Drink : Both....yeah...
019. Piercings : None
020. Tattoos : None (and i will never get one EVER)
023. First piercing : N/A
024. First Best Friend : ...People
025. First Award : First place Chinese award i got at Chinese school XD XD XD
026. First Crush : Let meh think...I had a crush on this person named james in kindergarten...don't know what happened to him O.O
027. First Pet : Gold fish
028. First Big Vacation : Went to China...yay...yeah....>.<
030. First Big Birthday : I forgot...maybe my 9th also....
049. Eating : Nothing
050. Drinking : Danimals XD XD
052. I'm about to : post this
053. Listening to : Alice Nine~ Shunkashuutou
054. Plans for today : um..so far...go to sleep
055. Waiting for : next chapter to the manga I'm reading to come out. and the next episode of naruto
Your Future
058. Want kids? : Maybe
059. Want to get married? : Yep
060. Careers in mind? : Doctor, possibly a cardiologist
Which is the better in the boy/girl you like
068. Lips or Eyes? : idk...lips, eyes, and hair XD XD (problem solved.)
070. Shorter or Taller? : Taller
072. Romantic or Spontaneous? : both
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms? : both
074. Sensitive or Loud ?: both...depends
075. Hook-up or Relationship ?: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant ?: Trouble Maker
Have you ever
080. Lost glasses or contacts : Nope
081. Ran away from home : NoPe, not now, now ever
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence : Nope
083. Killed somebody : No, but i'm a bit suspicious about Aquaria XD (i'm just kidding o.O)
084. Broken someone's heart : No, I hope not, idk...????
085. Been arrested : No
087. Cried when someone died : well, my grandpa died when i wasn't even born yet...soooo
Do you believe in
089. Yourself : most of the time
090. Miracles : Yeah
091. Love at first sight : yup
092. Heaven : Yes
093. Santa Claus : No
094. Tooth Fairy : No
095. Kiss on the first date : maybe
Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? : ...no
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? : sure.
099. Do you believe in God?: Yes ^.^
Monday, August 24, 2009
Cosmic World~Alice Nine
This band is pretty good actually. I saw their name on Mary-Claire's blog and thought I'd see who they were XD YouTube from Neotenii. neotenii is actually a nightmare song XD
O.o..I guess i got tagged XD
Now for this tag there are only 3 rules.
1) Tag it to 10 people afterward excluding the person who tag you
2) Be truthful
3) Have fun and Enjoy
1) what have you been doing recently?
Doing homework, homework, more homework. Occasionally reading some manga ^^
2)do you ever turn your handphone off?
Hmmm...handphone...hmmm...off.....idk XD
3)what happened at 10 am today?
I was in math class >_<>.<
17)Do you have any nicknames?
Well not in real life, buy Aquaria calls me Jun-ny, or however you spell it XP
18)What does the newest text MSG says and who is it from?
19) What time did you go to sleep last night?
20)Are you currently happy?
yup yup, I tis a very happy person ^.^
21)Who gives you the best advice?
Sorry to da other ppl, but i'm gonna have to say my sister
22)Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
YES, but i just buy my own little can ^^ and eat it (yum, *starts drooling*)
23) Who do you talked to on phone last night?
My Grandmother and Aunt
24)Is something bugging you right now?
YES! The fact that I want to join cross country but I don't have a physical on file...bleh XP
25)Who is the last person to make you laugh?
A character from a manga i'm currently reading
26) Do you like yourself?
I should hope so O.O
27)You want $5 or $10?
Both...you could probably throw in an extra $20 XD XD
28) Do you think you are stupid sometimes?
idk, rarely
29)Who is your best best best friend?
Anyone who wants to be??????
30)What will you do if you like a boy/girl?
I will usually be waaay too shy to even talk to them or just start chattering away
31)Who are your favourite stars?
Stars? As in movie stars, music stars, or star stars???
32)You hate your mother sometimes in some ways?
33) Have you ever driven before?
Sadly, no :)
34)What type of boy/girl do you like?
Someone that's smart, casual, kind, caring, easy to talk with, athletic XD xD (yeah i know, that's a lot of character traits...)
35)Now are you single/attached?
I tag:
Anyone that hasn't been tagged yet ^^
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Nervous/Excited/Tons of Other Emotions
I'm so nervous.excited.etc that i can't sleep right now so i'm a postin' ^^ !!! Well, time for a new school year to begin and hopefully (<<---I'm hoping) that it'll be a good one O.O
so even though classes are startin', I'm sure I'll still have da time to update my blog daily XD. For now, sayonara!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Yay Quizzes!!!
So, my friend told me about this really cool place where u can take all these different kinds of quizzes. here is da link to it, check it out if you want ^^: http://www.quizilla.com
Friday, August 14, 2009
I P.r.E.d.I.c.T.

I predict that....................................................Penguins will rule the world. Probably not, but, you never know ^^ I wonder what it'll be like if that actually happened...How will the penguins know that they're in charge and stuff O.O They'll probably be overthrown in a day. Just a prediction XD

Funny...but not
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My name on this blog in Katakana: ジュン (Jun)
Yup that's it...thought I'd just post that ^^
Take a Look...
Hello ppl that are now reading this post...O.O okaaay, that was bit weird...
Well, I just want you to take a look at my friend Aki's blog. It has A LOT of Naruto stuff cause she is da ultimate fan...sort a. but I'm sure there's gonna be other stuff ^^ Here's her address, plz check it out: http://narutoshippudenlovers.blogspot.com Arigato -___-
Perseid Meteor Shower!
yay, so I just read that the annual Perseid Meteor Shower is expected this week. however, you'll only catch it in the wee hours of morning...well, I'm gonna be doing that tonight and tomorrow morning. They say that most of the meteors are no bigger than a pea O.o
The best time to watch is between midnight and dawn Wednesday. Forecasters say the best stretch could come between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. ET (1-2 a.m. PT), which would be after daybreak in Europe. Some Perseids might be visible late Tuesday night, and Wednesday night into Thursday morning could prove worthwhile, too.
The best bet for anyone is to get in as much observing time as possible from around 11 p.m. Tuesday night until dawn Wednesday, and if you miss that show, try the same time frame Wednesday evening into Thursday morning.
Meteors should be visible in the pre-dawn hours, weather permitting, all around the Northern Hemisphere.
"Earth passes through the densest part of the debris stream sometime on Aug. 12," said Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "Then, you could see dozens of meteors per hour."
(I got most of the above from yahoo. here's the link to more info if u want to learn more O.O...which i personally am not very interested in but, oh well: http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20090811/sc_space/strongmeteorshowerexpectedtonight)