Saturday, August 1, 2009

^^ Yay

Happy day!!! Weeeeell, my friend just called me and invited me to go to this Japanese place that sells real raman :OOOOO. I've always wanted to try raman T__T They even have Melon bread :OOOOOO da kind of bread mentioned in mangas :OOO ^.^ i feel like running around screaming kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! yup, that's how excited i am ^^ plus, she told me that they have lotsa other yummy stuff XD XD . plus it's gonna be a japanese festival on the day i'm going XD XD. i can't w8 O.O


Watching said...

*o* that's cool, one of my friends went to a japanese festival in LA

Aquaria Longstream said...

cool... which friend? oh, and by the way, uve had a sudden boost in followers^^ good for u :D

Jun said...

ooh, i hope she had fun. XP at least it was warm in LA. I went to the festival in the cold wet rain O.O but luckily, a few minutes XD
I went with my friend Amy Take or Aki Take which is her japanese name. arigato ^^

Watching said...

There's this one place in Monterey CA that has tons of Japanese foods it's called Ocean Sushi Deli, they have all kinds of pocky, japanese deserts, and riceballs, even gum and soda, plus the food is really good *drools*

Jun said...

*drool* *___* I'm hungry all over again XD aw, the food sounds so delicious XP