Thursday, October 8, 2009

Anime Quote of Da Week...

"You believe that the strong exist to cull the weak. To use them as food. But you are mistaken . . . The strong exist, not to feed off of the weak, but to protect them." -Kenshin Himura from Kenshin

(Goumei, I haven't been posting these for a looong time ^.^ 1. They're really hard to find 2. I kind a just forgot 3. I'll post them occasionally ^.^)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOUR COLORS*o*!!! And thanks for the comment, I do/don't like my writing-well thinks it's good.....- so when people tell me stuff like that well^-^byesis

Aki said...

awwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats sooooo sweet!!! i love ur anime quote of da week! its so awasome. i think i put too much !!!<<---its kinda weird lookin now. o_____0